Welcome to the On Track Lab

Who are we?

We are a multidisciplinary research lab on operations, network, and transportation analytics. Our research lab is an academia-industry partnership between Ghent University, Infrabel, and IÉSEG School of Management.

The acronym “On Track” stands for Operations, Network and TRansportation Analytics Centre of Knowledge.

First of its kind, the On Track Lab will follow:

A multidisciplinary approach

Linking the research domains of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence with Operations Management research, to obtain hybrid solutions.

A multiperspective view

Embracing the current and expected shift in control room technology, while also accounting for human well-being and performance.

Member of EURNEX

In 2021, we joined the European rail Research Network of Excellence (EURNEX).  EURNEX is an association representing European institutional scientific knowledge, research and education with as objective to to promote research and development of the rail system.